This article is SHIT AND FILTHY. And that is what many self proclaimed critics will say. But, one thing that I am sure of is that this article does revolves around SHIT. No I am not writing an article on KRK’s latest review on another random movie, but try to take it in a more literal manner.
Now you should just admit it that half of your mobile games high score is made when you are out in washroom doing your business, i:e POOPING. Many people say (and I am not making this up) that great ideas strike you while you are pooping. Because while pooping, you are in PEACE.
Many scholars believe that since independence India has been going through a transition state in every single field. Be it in business, science or arts. Now, I don’t know where to put the topic ‘POOPING’ under which category.
Are we deducing the Science behind pooping, or explaining the art of Pooping ? Well, one thing is for sure, It’s not someone else ‘business’ while I do that.
Now many of you prefer Western Toilets over Indian Toilets for your own good reasons. But, what if I tell you that you might end up rupturing your rectum if you use the western toilet. No, I am NOT from any organisations inspired by the ideologies of Sadhvi Prachi for bringing up a movement against WESTERN CULTURE. But instead, I AM FROM SCIENCE.
Now, the way we do our ‘Business’ in an Indian toilet, that particular position/posture is generally referred as ‘Squatting’. This squatting comes naturally to us since the time we weren’t even born. Such a posture comes naturally to us when we were babies in our mother’s womb.
Centuries ago, many countries in WEST prefered the Western Toilet over Indian Toilet because for them, squatting was not considered as a ‘DIGNIFIED’ way. When flush toilets were introduced back then, it grabbed many eyeballs because of its so called ‘DIGNIFIED’ posture while you do your business which resembled more like sitting on a throne whereas the fact still remains the same that YOU ARE JUST SITTING ON SHIT ! !
Then years later, it came to notice that people who were using Western Toilets had complaints like hemorrhoids, constipation, appendicitis and irritable bowel syndrome. This triggered many scientists and doctors to go on for a heavy research and they found out that the seating position for western toilet was actually against human anatomy.
An Israeli doctor named Dov Sikirov tested this idea for a 2003 study published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences. He asked his fellow patients to defecate in three different positions:
- Sitting on a 16-inch-high toilet
- Sitting on a 12-inch-high toilet
- Squatting over a plastic container.
He then asked his subjects to record for how long each bowel movement took and rate the effort required on a point scale of 4, ranging from effortless to difficult. He found that, when squatting, subjects averaged a mere 51 seconds to move their bowels, versus 130 seconds when sitting on a high toilet. And as they moved from a sit to a squat, subjects were more likely to rate the experience as easier.
So, well, I hope this article helped you to get to know more about your body and how you should do your ‘BUSINESS’ in a more proper and safer way.
If you have any extra and relevant information regarding this topic, please feel comfortable to share it with our readers.
The post You’ve Been Pooping Wrong Your Entire Life And You Don’t Even Know About It appeared first on Rajnikant V/s CID Jokes.