Over the past some years where the usage of social media has picked up rapidly, we’ve noticed a lot of cases regarding cyber bullying and trolling in India. Leave aside the common man, even celebrities have not been spared.
However, the issue has come out to be more widespread than we thought. An Ohio, US-based lady Enedina Vance has been receiving death threats after she posted a pic of her little girl having her cheeks pierced.
Enedina posted-
So I got the baby girl’s dimple pierced!!
It looks so cute, right?!! I just know she’s gonna love it!! She’ll thank me when she’s older lol If she decides she doesn’t like it, she can just take it out, no big deal
I’m the parent, she is MY CHILD, I will do whatever I want!! I make all of her decisions until she’s 18, I made her, I own her!! I don’t need anyone’s permission, I think it’s better, cuter, & I prefer her to have her dimple pierced. Its NOT abuse!! If it was, it would be illegal, but it’s not. People pierce their babies everyday, this is no different
MY BABY, MY CHOICE!! PARENT’S CHOICE, PARENT’S RIGHTS!! Don’t judge my parenting, we all raise our kids differently, it’s none of your business anyway!!
#BodilyIntegrity, #MyBodyMyChoice, #HumanRights, #ChildrensRights, #Intactivism, #IntactGeneration #sarcasm
The note was clearly sarcastic and the picture was photoshopped. Further, to ensure that people do understand her meaning, Enedina used #sarcasm along with her note, but that was not enough and people started hitting her through Facebook comments and personal messages.
Enedina Vance, who is actually an activist, and was just making a point against body modifications on young children started getting death threats for the post.
To clarify, she had to post a long note again. Here’s what she said-
Wow, so as (hopefully) everyone knows, my last post was FAKE. I photoshopped that picture of the baby to look like I had her dimple pierced. It is in fact PHOTOSHOPPED. And according to many, many, M A N Y posts & comments, it was a very bad & obvious photoshopped attempt on my part lol And yet, hundreds of people ACTUALLY believed it as real!!
Talking about the death threats, she wrote-
Though this was fun, it really made me appreciate my decision to homeschool. Based on 2,000+ shares, countless comments, & hundreds of hate mail messages, it’s obvious that our nation’s education system is definitely lacking in the reading department, to say the least. I seriously can not believe how many people missed that this was purely satirical, I actually used the hashtag #sarcasm lol yet people were still threatening to beat me to death, call child protective services, & take away my children lol I even explained within the comments that this was fake, that I edited the photo, & that I’m actually an intactivist & someone responded with “well I know what I saw!” She was referring back to the doctored photo after I had just told her it was fake lol yeah, seriously!!
Guess, the saying – “Sarcasm is like electricity, only half the Indians get it” can be used for people worldwide now. It should be like this- “Sarcasm is lke electricity, not everyone gets it.” What do you think?
The post US Based Mom Received Death Threats For Piercing Baby’s Cheeks! appeared first on RVCJ Media.