Priya Prakash Varrier is a pretty famous name now, thanks to her wink and smile that we saw in the teaser of her debut movie “Oru Adaar Love”. She became an Internet sensation overnight and has more followers than Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on Instagram.
Earlier she was all over social media, news channels and print media but now she is in the examination papers as well.
Yes, you read it right! She was a subject of the question that was asked in the prestigious IIT Bombay’s Machine Learning course mid-term exam.
Here is the question:
“Assume that Priya Varrier reports to the Cyber Crime Division of a police department that her public Facebook page is flooded with threatening or lewd comments for which she is seeking punitive action. The police department contacts you for help to flag Facebook ids of potential miscreants. Assume that you are given a suitably large database with the following attributes: Comment id, Facebook id of the one who commented, comment date and time, comment text, link to parent comment (NULL if this comment was not a reply to a parent comment). Assume that you have access to text-to-feature extraction software that converts each comment text into a 100 dimensional vector. Due to her newfound fame, millions of people have commented on her page, of which a large proportion is simply praising fans. Describing the process of learning a classifier starting with the database and mention any practical, social, or legal aspects that you may find necessary to consider.”

As per NextBigWhat, Professor Amit Sethi teaches Machine Learning course in IIT Bombay and when Indiatimes talked to various students about it, they said that it is nothing shocking as Prof. Amit Sethi is known to use memes in order to make classroom study fun and enjoyable.
Third year civil engineering student of IIT Bombay Hardik Patel told,
“Professors use memes in lecture slides or put them on forums for a particular course to convey related information.”
Well this is cool, isn’t it?
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