Brothel provides one of the most desirable still not much-respected services. The need of sex is felt by everyone so this business still gets a lot of customers. Those who offer this service work simply for the need of money to fulfil their daily needs.

However, there is a brothel in the world which doesn’t take money directly from customers. You won’t believe but the brothel we are talking about and is based in Prague, Czech Republic offers free sex to their customers.
Now you will ask how? There must be some catch for sure? Right. There’s a catch. The sex service is provided free of cost but they have a condition.
Everyone who wants the service of free sex at the brothel will need to be filmed while having sex.

The live recording is also shown on the Internet and that’s how they make money out of the service. So you are still helping them make money even though you are not paying anything from your side. You’ll pay a lot of course, if someone among your relatives or family comes a to know about it.
Interestingly, there are a huge number of customers that are received by the brothel from all over the world. They even stand and wait in long queues to enjoy the free sex.
The post This Place Offers Free Sex To Men But On One Condition. It’s Risky appeared first on RVCJ Media.