In different countries, the prices of commodities differ and the same is the case with petrol as well. In some countries, the prices keep rising, but in some countries, petrol is cheaper than water.
Trends and prices keep changing from time to time; you may be surprised that there are actually some places wherein the price of petrol is as less as a rupee per litre.
Well, Venezuala is one such country, wherein you have to shell out just Rs 0.58/litre of petrol (In INR); isn’t that way too cheap?
On the contrary, there are some European countries, wherein a litre of petrol costs over 2 dollars. Although the prices are different, price movements remain the same.
Today, we are here with the list of petrol prices across 100 countries (Prices are as per the date 21st May 2018).
The data has been gathered from a variety of official sources including online resources and government materials. Don’t you want to check where India stands in this list?
Prices (Per litre) of petrol in different countries!
Country Name | Price (in Indian rupees) |
Venezuela | 0.58 |
Sudan | 23.24 |
Kuwait | 23.64 |
Iran | 24.49 |
Algeria | 24.59 |
Egypt | 25.07 |
Ecuador | 26.60 |
Nigeria | 28.53 |
Syria | 29.73 |
Bahrain | 36.05 |
Kazakhstan | 36.45 |
Uzbekistan | 36.52 |
Saudi Arabia | 37.00 |
Qatar | 37.37 |
Malaysia | 37.72 |
Oman | 39.23 |
Iraq | 42.97 |
UAE | 43.90 |
Burma | 44.05 |
Indonesia | 44.66 |
Ethiopia | 46.40 |
Afghanistan | 46.54 |
Belarus | 46.75 |
Russia | 48.98 |
Tunisia | 49.80 |
Pakistan | 51.64 |
Colombia | 54.08 |
Bhutan | 57.02 |
USA | 57.56 |
Lebanon | 62.51 |
Namibia | 62.85 |
Vietnam | 63.27 |
Sri Lanka | 63.77 |
Georgia | 64.25 |
Fiji | 67.98 |
Taiwan | 68.50 |
Nepal | 68.74 |
Mexico | 69.10 |
Ghana | 69.46 |
Paraguay | 70.13 |
Bangladesh | 71.69 |
Philippines | 72.29 |
Kenya | 73.68 |
Cambodia | 73.98 |
Australia | 74.29 |
Mauritania | 76.75 |
Ukraine | 76.79 |
Argentina | 77.60 |
South Africa | 79.68 |
Costa Rica | 79.72 |
Thailand | 79.79 |
Brazil | 80.10 |
India | 80.22 |
China | 80.90 |
Morocco | 81.19 |
Canada | 81.68 |
Senegal | 83.84 |
Madagascar | 84.00 |
Bahamas | 85.73 |
Cuba | 86.15 |
Jamaica | 86.86 |
Bulgaria | 87.26 |
Chile | 88.63 |
Japan | 89.31 |
Turkey | 91.95 |
Poland | 94.36 |
Zimbabwe | 94.57 |
Yemen | 95.01 |
Romania | 98.47 |
Hungary | 99.27 |
South Korea | 100.56 |
Jordan | 100.68 |
Czech Rep | 100.75 |
Serbia | 101.57 |
Austria | 101.59 |
Mauritius | 102.85 |
Cyprus | 103.76 |
Spain | 106.16 |
Slovakia | 109.77 |
Uruguay | 110.06 |
New Zealand | 110.90 |
Switzerland | 110.98 |
Singapore | 111.62 |
Ireland | 114.58 |
Germany | 115.46 |
UK | 116.34 |
Belgium | 118.83 |
Finland | 124.44 |
France | 125.25 |
Sweden | 126.47 |
Portugal | 126.53 |
Israel | 127.43 |
Italy | 128.77 |
Greece | 130.70 |
Monaco | 131.74 |
Denmark | 131.99 |
Netherlands | 133.50 |
Norway | 139.85 |
Hong Kong | 144.23 |
Iceland | 144.52 |
Source: Global Petrol Prices
Sadly, the petrol prices in India are very high i.e. Rs 80.22/litre. Do you think fuel prices would ever drop here?
The post Petrol Prices Of 100 Countries Around The World. Check Out Where India Stands appeared first on RVCJ Media.