Lately the word ‘Patriot’ has been under scrutiny. A flock of highly educated intellectuals had gathered together in order to decode every single damn possible meaning of it. From the apparent Ministry of External Affairs a.k.a ‘Times Now’ to the potential deputy PM Of India, Anupam Kher, every single person was redefining the definition of word ‘PATRIOT’ or ‘PATRIOTISM’.
You don’t need to shout a particular phrase by suffixing it along with every sentence that you speak or write in order to prove your patriotism. What you need to prove your patriotism is to nothing, but just respecting the ones who are protecting us. I don’t prefer a particular section of people for teaching me the meaning of patriotism but yes, Mohammad Kaif just gave us a beautiful message which shows and explains us the true and real meaning of Patriotism.
It is not a criteria that includes things like shouting slogans or wearing particular attire, but just doing one simple thing. Respecting our protectors i.e. our soldiers, our Army.
Have a look at his tweet.
Is that too much to ask for – Respecting our soldiers ? They deserve our salute, our respect, our regards and more importantly OUR TRUST. Trusting your Army is like trusting your instincts. They are your eyes and ears.
While there are some politicians asking our ARMY about the proofs of surgical strikes, students accusing army for the rapes and actors shaming our soldiers by literally asking about who forced them to join army, there is this simple gentleman Mohammad Kaif, who single handedly managed to silence the whole bunch of idiots. RVCJ Family salutes him for such an effort.
What are your views about the beautiful message shared by Mohammad Kaif. Share it with us in the comment section below ! !
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